You might be reaching out for forgiveness.
You might be testing the waters,
wondering if I could forgive enough
to let you back in.
But I am empowered by the act of no action,
the choice to let you pass by
without any need to understand
what you want this time.

No part of me feels compelled
to explore why you’ve returned.
There are no regret here, only gratitude
that something ended which was never right.
I’m thankful for the lesson learned.
There is no need for apologies,
for repentance or closure.
I healed on my own;
nothing further is required from you.
Seek your closure elsewhere.

There’s no need for conversation.
Time doesn’t haunt me with ‘what ifs’—
it fills me with reflection,
without the illusion that we were,
or could have been, anything more.
It offers only the truth:
two people who didn’t fit together.
You are a part of my past, not my future.

If you’re looking for forgiveness, I forgive you.

But I do not want you back.

Amy Roullier Image
Amy Roullier