I’m one foot out, neither here nor there,
ready to walk away but not prepared to walk within.
An eye on the door, not quite looking, not quite hoping,
just poised to leave at a moment’s notice.

I wait for you to make the first move—
I won’t jump in together, just in case this is a play,

just in case this isn’t forever.
So here I am, hovering by the edge,
watching what you do without giving anything away,
letting your thoughts linger, while mine stay tucked away.

I like this sense of control,
believing I’m one step ahead of you.
But really, I’m stuck, rooted in the same question:
what should I do?

Eventually, a choice will have to be made—
to leap or to step back, to be outside or within.
But for now, I’ll stay where I’m most comfortable,

with one foot out, neither out nor in.

Amy Roullier Image
Amy Roullier