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Woman at work staring at laptop and stressfully biting on pen

A 3 Day Weekend? It’s Got My Vote!

I don’t know about you, but I’m fully over the whole 5 day working week. Maybe it was the impact of a Covid-pandemic that brought it on. Or current hustle culture where the working day seems to begin way ahead of the 9am start, rarely gets the opportunity to utilise that lunch break and regularly sees the hours rack up after finish time. Possibly I just hate Monday’s and it …

Blurry anxiety stricken woman holding head

Living with Anxiety and its Myriad of Offshoots

This is a guest blog by Lucy Chamberlain: I was once having a coffee in a cafe before work and I suddenly became hot and scared. I felt extremely on edge and self-conscious. Shaking and couldn’t move from my seat. Panic stricken. I wanted to reach out to the cafe staff and cry help but I was too embarrassed. Time was moving on and I knew I had to get …

Are you Experiencing Seasonal Depression? Or Are We Facing A Mental Health Pandemic, Post Covid-Pandemic?

I’ve balanced varying degrees of depression throughout my life, the worst being in my late teens where it lead to a drop out of University. But throughout these past two years, I’ve swayed back and forth between thinking I was doing okay (I mean, I wasn’t. But I was clinging on to thinking that I was) to really struggling. And this winter has been particularly tough. Not sort of, or …