This is a guest blog by Lisa Holmes: Chances are, if you are reading this you could be in your 30’s and thinking, “No, I’ve never thought about the menopause.” I hadn’t either. Before all of this I had never even heard of the term peri-menopause. Until I was in my late 30’s and various symptoms and ailments (some very odd) were beginning to appear. And now I’ve just celebrated my …
The Mid-30s Awkward Phase: Why Do I Have Hair On My Chin?
I turned 37 this week and I am growing more concerned every day with this mid-30s awkward aging process. There are lines on my forehead that don’t go away anymore. Aches in my joints that didn’t niggle a year ago. Those faint smile wrinkles seem now permanently engrained even when I’m pulling a resting bitch face. And the glow of my once youthful skin is looking a little more haggard every …
Living with Anxiety and its Myriad of Offshoots
This is a guest blog by Lucy Chamberlain: I was once having a coffee in a cafe before work and I suddenly became hot and scared. I felt extremely on edge and self-conscious. Shaking and couldn’t move from my seat. Panic stricken. I wanted to reach out to the cafe staff and cry help but I was too embarrassed. Time was moving on and I knew I had to get …