You might be reaching out for forgiveness.You might be testing the waters,wondering if I could forgive enoughto let you back in.But I am empowered by the act of no action,the choice to let you pass bywithout any need to understandwhat you want this time. No part of me feels compelledto explore why you’ve returned.There are no regret here, only gratitudethat something ended which was never right.I’m thankful for the lesson …
Moving On: 8 Steps To Recovery After A Breakup
Recently I went through a breakup, which totally sucked. At 36, I’ve become what I can only describe as a begrudged expert in moving on from the latest relationship catastrophe. So how do you recover after someone breaks up with you? Moving on, healing, keeping your dignity and recovery after a breakup are all about processing the trauma and making sure you are looking after you. Although it might not …