I’ve spent so much time waiting on others, not signing up to experiences or exploring the world. Waiting on friends and family to have time, waiting on the next boyfriend to appear and be ready for an adventure or do a thing. It never occurred to me that I could, or in fact sometimes should, go for it anyway. As a single person in her thirties, I realised that if …
Do We Have a Responsibility to Worry About Someone Else’s Singleness?
Do We Have a Responsibility to Worry About Someone Else’s Singleness? I think not, and here’s why. In my day-to-day job, I attend a lot of conferences. There’s networking, nice chit chats with work colleagues across the industry, and a lot of intro conversations. Which all go something like this: “Hi, What’s your name and where are you from?” Usually followed closely with: “Are you married. Dating? Oh, just Single …
From Surviving to Thriving: Embracing the Single Life
I wasn’t aware that I had such a deep rooted disagreeableness with being single until about four years ago. Aged thirty six, fresh out of yet another short lasting relationship and back into my seemingly inescapable interconnection with being single, the overwhelming disappointment of being single again hit me hard. Wasn’t I supposed to be with someone by now? Who’d have thought nearly six years after my divorce that I’d still …
There Is Nothing Wrong With You Being Single
No-one seemed to mind as much when I was single at sixteen, eighteen or twenty one. However, single at thirty five, something changes. Single stigma seems to heighten with age. Because there is something about being single, especially once you reach your thirties and beyond, that suggests that you are now actively going against the grain. You are also now still single. Rather than just simply, single. And you should …
The Things You Are Doing Whilst Single Do Not Deserve Any Less Celebration
All in all, it’s fair to say that society can be fixated on conventional accomplishments and mainstream milestones, ones often intertwined with some aspect of partnership. Milestones like weddings, moving in with a partner, getting engaged, starting a family or beginning a new relationship. Whilst all of this is lovely, it does mean that other accomplishments, ones achieved whilst single, ones no less deserving of some celebration, frequently fall under …
Why Am I Still Single? The Real Reason …
Why am I still single?’ I’ve lost count of the times I’ve asked myself this question. Often accompanied with the following, ‘Am I not a nice person, not deserving of love? Have I not endured and suffered enough frogs? Am I too bossy? Too confident? Should I be less opinionated? Is it the way I look? Where I live? Am I not pretty enough? Perhaps I should be more amenable? …
You are so much more than who you are dating, so change the conversation
It wasn’t until I went single no mingle, that I realized how much dating had become an important part of my conversations with people. And by making who I was dating a highly discussed topic, I had inadvertently sent the message to myself that nothing else was more conversation worthy than this.
And if nothing else was as interesting, then nothing I had to say that wasn’t about when or who the next date was lined up with, mattered much.
Picture This: Days of Being Single and Rocking a Different Glow
You wake early to sunlight seeping through the window,birds chirping softly outside.No rush, just peace in this quiet moment,as you slowly unfurl yourself from the duvet,taking your time. Scrambled eggs and coffee sound perfect,so you make both, just the way you like.It’s a blue-sky morning, and you take your breakfast outside,soaking in the calm and warmth. Inside, you feel at peace. The day ahead is yours to shape as you …
Intentionally Dating Myself: Learning to Self-Date
Being honest, I only started considering the idea of dating myself after a long string of dating failures and bad relationships. I’d become accustomed to these repeated cycles and it sucked, big time. But generally, I’ve been much better at seeking out highs from other people, than I have been at making myself happy. However, that was something I needed to change. Because like any relationship, I began to realize …
Is It Not Socially Acceptable To Be A Single Woman?
Being a single woman in her 30s is a weird place to be. There’s like a pariah status that comes with the territory. Other people have made my being single feel like a curse at times. Because a single woman, especially an older single woman, is apparently all kinds of crazy! And it’s for this very reason that I’ve sometimes struggled myself with the concept of being single. The single …